Chard Baptist Church is seeking to appoint a committed Christian who is passionate about sharing their faith. The person appointed will be expected to pioneer, develop and lead the growth of our ministry to all age groups building on the many contacts we already have and motivating a team of volunteers.
This post will suit someone with proven experience of working throughout the age spectrum. This is a part-time role of 20-25 hours per week (subject to agreeme...
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Warm Welcome

Now that the weather has turned colder why not join us for our Warm Welcome group which starts on Thursday 5th December. You are guranteed a very warm welcome
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Cross of Light for Peace

A wonderful turn out of people who came to lay a light for peace on our forecourt last night. Thank you to everyone who came and those who organised the event. What a wonderful sight.
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Harvest Fun Event

Join us on our forecourt on Saturday 7th September between 10 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. for some Harvest Fun. Why not stop off whilst you are visiting the Street Fayre.
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50th Anniversary

It was a joy to celebrate with one of of preachers as we marked his 50 years as a minister.
What an achievement. Bless you Dave.
One of our very talented ladies made a beautiful cake.
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