Sermons 2022

Dave Hewitt, Sunday in Advent
Matthew chapter 1 verses18 to 25
Apologies for the poor sound quality

Alan Blake
Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1 to 14.

Dave Hewitt,
Remembrance Sunday
Sermon ‘The end of an era
Isiah 6 verses 1 to 8

Dave Hewitt,
Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 17 to 34

Sunday 30th October 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: Faith’s deeper significance
Readings from Romans 3 verses 28 to 30: Romans 4 verses 1 to 3, 9 to 12, 16 to 25.

Sunday 23rd October 2022
Charles Freebury
Dr.Luke, his accurate record.
Luke Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4

Sunday 16th October 2022
Alan Blake
Is God to busy to hear us
Mark Chapter 5 ( ‘the Message’ bible)

Prayer clip from ‘even almighty’ film

Sunday 9th October 2022
John & Sally Childress.
about us and our Ministry ‘Free recovery’

Sunday 2nd October 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: His hardest test offaith.
Readings from Genisis22 verses 1-19 and Hebrews 11 verses 17-19

Sunday 25th September 2022
Mandy Slingsby & Alan Blake
Harvest and Brigade Sunday, full service
Mathew 6 verses 26 to 33 ( ‘the Message’ bible)

Sunday 18th September 2022
Laurie Burn
Theology of everything(shortened version)
Colossians 1 verses 13 to 23

Sunday 11th September 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: growing faith.
Readings from Genisis and Hebrews

Sunday 28th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and the City
Jonah 3:verses 3 to Jonah 4 verse 11

Sunday 28th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and the ‘whale’.
Jonah 2:verses 1 to Jonah 3 verse 17

Sunday 21st August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah,you can’t outrun God;running into the storm.
Jonah 1:verses 4 to 17

Sunday 14th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and his God
Jonah 1:1-3 & Link: Jonah 4:2 & Psalm 103:8-12

Sunday 7th August 2022
Alan Blake,
We are all going on a……
Romans 10 verses11-17 :Proverbs 3 verses 5 & 6

Sunday 31st July 2022
Charles Freebury,
Recent Difficulties; How to respond?
Luke 21:9-11

Sunday 24th July 2022
Nigel Mangies, SWBA Regional Minister
Salt & Light company unlimited
Mark 5 verses 13 to 16

Sunday 17th July 2022
Peter Morgan
‘Words & wisdom’
James 3 verses 2 to 18

Sunday 10th July 2022
Mike Hornsby
“Pleasing God-no.3 Worship that pleases God”
Romans 12 verses 1 & 2: 2nd Corinthians 5 verses 6 to 10

Sunday 3rd July 2022
Mike Hornsby
“Pleasing God-no.2 Impossible without FAITH”
Hebrews 10:36 to (part) 12;2

Sunday 26th June 2022
David Hewitt
It takes (Liquorice) all sorts
Mark 3 : verses 13 to 19

Sunday 19th June 2022
Charles Freebury
The unexpected Holy Spirit after Pentecost: received,filled: gifts & fruits
Acts 2 verses 14 to 18 & 37 to 47

Sunday 12th June 2022
Mike Hornsby
“It pleased God – no.2” Ephesians 1:3-14

Sunday 5th June 2022
Alan Blake
Cafe service: Jubilee celebrations & Pentecost

Sunday 29th May 2022
Alan Blake
The faithfulness of God, with references to Paddington Bear
Philippians 1 verses 1 to 11
Today we used 3 clips of ‘Paddington Bear’ please click the links to watch.
First clip
Second clip
Third clip

Sunday 22nd May 2022
Charles Freebury
Expect the unexpected
Matthew 28 verse 16 to 20: Luke 24:45 to 53;Acts 1 :12 to 14

Sunday 15th May 2022
Mike Hornsby
God was pleased
Colossians 1 verses 15 to 23: 2 Corinthians 5 verses 17 to 21

Sunday 8th May 2022
David Hewitt
The 40 Days
Act 1 1-11

Sunday 1st May 2022
Alan Blake
Faithful in forgiveness
1 John 1 verses5-10 :Romans 10 verses 11-13

Sunday 24th April 2022
Alan Blake
Faithful in temptation
1 Corinthians 10 verses 1-13

Sunday 17th April 2022
Mike Hornsby
Who lives?
Romans 6 V 1-14, Galatians 2 v 20-21

Sunday 10th April 2022
David Hewitt
Jesus’ last Battle

Sunday 3rd April 2022
Alan Blake
Jesus’ last supper

Sunday 27th March 2022
Mike Hornsby
Jesus’ last Parable
Luke 20 verses 9 to 19

Sunday 20th March 2022
Alan Blake
Jesus’ last encounter
Luke 19 verses 1 to 10

Sunday 13th March 2022
Dave Hewitt
Jesus’ last miracle
Luke 18 verses 31 to 43

Sunday 6th March 2022
Dave Hewitt
The journey begins
Luke 9 verses 51 to 62

Sunday 27th February 2022
Ali Tinson
The road home
Luke 15 verses 11 to 32

Sunday 20th February 2022
Laurie Burn
Jesus and Satan in the wilderness: preparation for the journey
Luke 14 verses 1 to 15

Sunday 13th February 2022
Nomads House Group
This is the full service today,enjoy.
‘Are we there yet’ clip from Shrek 2

Sunday 6th February 2022
Charles Freebury
Simion and Anna and the baby Jesus at the Temple
Luke 2 verses 22-40 Hewitt, Sunday in Advent
Matthew chapter 1 verses18 to 25
Apologies for the poor sound quality

Alan Blake
Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1 to 14.

Dave Hewitt,
Remembrance Sunday
Sermon ‘The end of an era
Isiah 6 verses 1 to 8

Dave Hewitt,
Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 17 to 34

Sunday 30th October 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: Faith’s deeper significance
Readings from Romans 3 verses 28 to 30: Romans 4 verses 1 to 3, 9 to 12, 16 to 25.

Sunday 23rd October 2022
Charles Freebury
Dr.Luke, his accurate record.
Luke Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4

Sunday 16th October 2022
Alan Blake
Is God to busy to hear us
Mark Chapter 5 ( ‘the Message’ bible)

Prayer clip from ‘even almighty’ film

Sunday 9th October 2022
John & Sally Childress.
about us and our Ministry ‘Free recovery’

Sunday 2nd October 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: His hardest test offaith.
Readings from Genisis22 verses 1-19 and Hebrews 11 verses 17-19

Sunday 25th September 2022
Mandy Slingsby & Alan Blake
Harvest and Brigade Sunday, full service
Mathew 6 verses 26 to 33 ( ‘the Message’ bible)

Sunday 18th September 2022
Laurie Burn
Theology of everything(shortened version)
Colossians 1 verses 13 to 23

Sunday 11th September 2022
Mike Hornsby
Abrahams life: growing faith.
Readings from Genisis and Hebrews

Sunday 28th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and the City
Jonah 3:verses 3 to Jonah 4 verse 11

Sunday 28th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and the ‘whale’.
Jonah 2:verses 1 to Jonah 3 verse 17

Sunday 21st August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah,you can’t outrun God;running into the storm.
Jonah 1:verses 4 to 17

Sunday 14th August 2022
Dave Hewitt,
Jonah and his God
Jonah 1:1-3 & Link: Jonah 4:2 & Psalm 103:8-12

Sunday 7th August 2022
Alan Blake,
We are all going on a……
Romans 10 verses11-17 :Proverbs 3 verses 5 & 6

Sunday 31st July 2022
Charles Freebury,
Recent Difficulties; How to respond?
Luke 21:9-11

Sunday 24th July 2022
Nigel Mangies, SWBA Regional Minister
Salt & Light company unlimited
Mark 5 verses 13 to 16

Sunday 17th July 2022
Peter Morgan
‘Words & wisdom’
James 3 verses 2 to 18

Sunday 10th July 2022
Mike Hornsby
“Pleasing God-no.3 Worship that pleases God”
Romans 12 verses 1 & 2: 2nd Corinthians 5 verses 6 to 10

Sunday 3rd July 2022
Mike Hornsby
“Pleasing God-no.2 Impossible without FAITH”
Hebrews 10:36 to (part) 12;2

Sunday 26th June 2022
David Hewitt
It takes (Liquorice) all sorts
Mark 3 : verses 13 to 19

Sunday 19th June 2022
Charles Freebury
The unexpected Holy Spirit after Pentecost: received,filled: gifts & fruits
Acts 2 verses 14 to 18 & 37 to 47

Sunday 12th June 2022
Mike Hornsby
“It pleased God – no.2” Ephesians 1:3-14

Sunday 5th June 2022
Alan Blake
Cafe service: Jubilee celebrations & Pentecost

Sunday 29th May 2022
Alan Blake
The faithfulness of God, with references to Paddington Bear
Philippians 1 verses 1 to 11
Today we used 3 clips of ‘Paddington Bear’ please click the links to watch.
First clip
Second clip
Third clip

Sunday 22nd May 2022
Charles Freebury
Expect the unexpected
Matthew 28 verse 16 to 20: Luke 24:45 to 53;Acts 1 :12 to 14

Sunday 15th May 2022
Mike Hornsby
God was pleased
Colossians 1 verses 15 to 23: 2 Corinthians 5 verses 17 to 21

Sunday 8th May 2022
David Hewitt
The 40 Days
Act 1 1-11

Sunday 1st May 2022
Alan Blake
Faithful in forgiveness
1 John 1 verses5-10 :Romans 10 verses 11-13

Sunday 24th April 2022
Alan Blake
Faithful in temptation
1 Corinthians 10 verses 1-13

Sunday 17th April 2022
Mike Hornsby
Who lives?
Romans 6 V 1-14, Galatians 2 v 20-21

Sunday 10th April 2022
David Hewitt
Jesus’ last Battle

Sunday 3rd April 2022
Alan Blake
Jesus’ last supper

Sunday 27th March 2022
Mike Hornsby
Jesus’ last Parable
Luke 20 verses 9 to 19

Sunday 20th March 2022
Alan Blake
Jesus’ last encounter
Luke 19 verses 1 to 10

Sunday 13th March 2022
Dave Hewitt
Jesus’ last miracle
Luke 18 verses 31 to 43

Sunday 6th March 2022
Dave Hewitt
The journey begins
Luke 9 verses 51 to 62

Sunday 27th February 2022
Ali Tinson
The road home
Luke 15 verses 11 to 32

Sunday 20th February 2022
Laurie Burn
Jesus and Satan in the wilderness: preparation for the journey
Luke 14 verses 1 to 15

Sunday 13th February 2022
Nomads House Group
This is the full service today,enjoy.
‘Are we there yet’ clip from Shrek 2

Sunday 6th February 2022
Charles Freebury
Simion and Anna and the baby Jesus at the Temple
Luke 2 verses 22-40

Sunday 30th January 2022
Luke Mansfield
The art of encouragement
Hebrews chapter 3 verses 7 to 19

Sunday 23rd January 2022
Dave Hewitt
Getting the job done
Nehemiah chapter 3 verses 1 to 8

Sunday 16th January 2022
Dave Hewitt
Keeping priorities right
Nehemiah chapter 5 verses 1 to 13

Sunday 9th January 2022

Sorry no sermon upload this week


Sunday 30th January 2022
Luke Mansfield
The art of encouragement
Hebrews chapter 3 verses 7 to 19

Sunday 23rd January 2022
Dave Hewitt
Getting the job done
Nehemiah chapter 3 verses 1 to 8

Sunday 16th January 2022
Dave Hewitt
Keeping priorities right
Nehemiah chapter 5 verses 1 to 13

Sunday 9th January 2022

Sorry no sermon upload this week